Man sitting on a bed appearing tiredMan sitting on a bed appearing tired

Put sleeplessness to rest

Your doctor may suggest a variety of
ways to help manage persistent sleep
issues, including:

Sleep hygiene

Habits that help improve sleep quality,
such as reducing light and sound in your
bedroom, or practicing a 'wind down'

Cognitive behavioural therapy for insomnia (CBT-I)

A discussion-based approach that may
help you identify and address thoughts
or behaviours related to your

Lifestyle changes

Ways to adjust daily living (such as diet or exercise) that can impact your ability to get a good night's sleep.

Sleep study

An overnight stay at a sleep clinic that can help evaluate the causes or impacts of your sleep issues.

Over-the-counter medications

Common medications that you can
purchase from most pharmacies
without a prescription.

Prescription medications

Specialized medication that requires a doctor's prescription.

Tell your doctor if you experience any
of the following:

Trouble falling and/or
staying asleep

Waking up earlier than
you want to

upset woman insomnia

Not feeling refreshed
after sleep

Excessive sleepiness
during the day

talking to doctor strip background
talking to doctor strip background

Talking to your doctor
about your poor sleep

These ideas can help you navigate the
conversation with your doctor and prepare for
questions they may ask you in return.